
Can you guess the breed of dog that it is talking about in each question below? Take the quiz! Grab a sheet of paper and read through the questions, writing down your answer's as you go. When you are all done, click on the little icon at the end of each question to find out the answer. Give yourself 12 points for each right answer, then add 4 points for not peeking! What was your total???

#1 - The head and ears should be tan, the ears being a darker shade than the rest. The legs up to the thigh and the elbows and the under part of the body and chest are also tan and the tan frequently runs into the shoulder.
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#2 - Blue and Tan. The blue may be silver blue, pigeon blue and slate blue. The tan deep and rich. The blue extends from the base of the skull to the tip of the tail, down the fore legs to the elbows and half down the outside of the thighs. On the tail the blue should be very dark. Tan appears on the muzzel and cheeks, around the base of the ears, on the legs and feet and around the vent.
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#3 - The coat is single, that is without undercoat. It hangs long flat and silky over the sides of the body almost if not quite to the ground. The long head hair may be tied up in a top knot.
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#4 - Tan markings as rich as possible on face, ears, under body, lower legs and feet and around vent. the richer the color and more clearly defined the better.
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#5 - The body coat hangs straight down each side, parting from head to tail.
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#6 - The legs, quarters and head are a clear tan. The tan is a deep reddish color with slightly lighter shades acceptable.
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#7 -The correct mature color is any shade of blue gray or gray blue from the deep slate to light blue gray, of a fairly uniform color throughout. Up to 18 months such deviations from correct, mature colors are permissible without preference and without regard to uniformity. Thereafter, deviation from it in any significant extent must be severely penalized. Solid Black is never permitted in the show ring.
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#8 - Color of hair on body & richness of tan on head & legs are of prime importance in adult dogs. Blue is a dark steel blue not a silver blue and not mingled with fawn, bronze or black hairs. All tan hair is darker at the roots than the middle, shading to still lighter tan at the tips. There should be no sooty or black hairs intermingled with any of the tan. Blue extends over body from the back of neck to root of tail. Hair on tail is a darker blue especially at end of tail. A rich tan, deeper in color at sides of head at ear roots and on the muzzle, with ears a deep rich tan. Tan should not extend down back of neck. Chest & Legs a Bright rich tan not extending above the elbow on forelegs not above the stifle on hind legs.
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